Contaminated Water
(>10,000 pathogens)
Treated w/ Competitor A
(401 pathogens)
Treated w/ Competitor B
(274 pathogens)
Treated City Drinking Water
(2 pathogens)
Treated w/Purity UVC
(1 pathogen)
(>10,000 pathogens)
(401 pathogens)
(274 pathogens)
(2 pathogens)
(1 pathogen)
UV light DESTROYS bacteria, viruses and other pathogens INSTANTLY, with no dangerous byproducts.
Chlorine, by contrast, takes hours or days to wipe out pathogens. And in the meantime, it’s damaging to swimmers eyes, skin, hair and lungs, even at low levels.
Chlorine is also a major source of respiratory problems and creates dangerous byproducts such as chloroform, which is considered carcinogenic.
These systems were tested at BCS Laboratories in Gainesville Florida, a certified microbiological research and testing facility. The results showed Purity UVC beat others by as much as 400 to 1, and exceeded the requirements of ANSI/NSF 55A “Ultraviolet Microbiological Water Treatment” for municipal drinking water.
Other UV manufacturers CLAIM to purify your water, but the data says otherwise. Check out this comparison of pathogen killing effectiveness, conducted by an independent testing lab in Florida.
The UV System from Purity goes BEYOND basic “sanitation” and actually DISINFECTS pool water to US drinking water standards.
*As proven and published by the independent BCS Laboratories in Gainesville, Florida, USA.
Unclean water is the single greatest health risk in your backyard pool. Even when the water looks clear, it could be teeming with infectious pathogens.
Pool sanitation is no place to “cut corners” and risk the health of your family.
Why install a cheap plastic UV system (which actually degrades when exposed to UV light) when you can offer your clients a medical grade stainless steel system that’s 100 times more effective at killing pathogens?
Then you can reduce chlorine levels down to 0.5 PPM., which is good for everyone, including the environment.
We’re not a “plastics” company. Purity UVC was born of the medical industry, where all our products are designed and built to a much higher standard.
Our engineers are focused on performance, not “who can build this the cheapest?”
Would you like to know more about the swimming pool water disinfection system that exceeds all standards, and does what no other pool sanitization system can do?
Call us at (512) 255-2271, or email info@purityuvc.com
or you can click the below button to get in touch.